At Pariveda Solutions, our motto is Learn. Coach. Give. That is exactly why I joined the company six years ago. I’ve always been energized and motivated by helping other people grow their careers, so Pariveda Solution’s motto resonates with who I am. Today, my role is all about leading teams and stretching my team so they continually grow as professionals. This is also exactly why Pariveda Solutions works with Lumity and why I find the time between work and family to volunteer with Lumity too.

Learn. Coach. Give.

Last year, while I was searching for a Chicago-based non-profit partner for Pariveda Solution’s summer internship program, a colleague connected me with Lumity’s Executive Director, Kara Kennedy. From that first meeting, I knew that Lumity was a great fit for Pariveda and was an organization I wanted to support personally. As Kara gave me the rundown of Lumity’s many programs that prepare young adults for lifelong careers in STEM fields, I was especially struck by their Real World Challenges. In these events, Lumity connects Chicago public high school students with STEM professionals to find innovative solutions to the problems they see in everyday life. I immediately recognized an alignment with the way I ask my teams to help find and solve our customers’ problems.     

I also saw how Lumity gives students visibility into STEM careers that they might not otherwise experience. Lumity facilitates career site visits with corporate partners, STEM Talks, in-class STEM career lessons, and a pre-apprenticeship program. From my own experience, I know how important these opportunities are. As a high-schooler, I did great in all of my math, science, and technology courses, but I didn’t know how to apply those skills in the real world.  My opportunity came through my summer job as a golf caddie where I applied and received the Evans Scholarship. The scholarship not only provided a full-tuition scholarship to Miami University but also access to alumni and supporters of the program who helped me see the possible careers. This was invaluable to me, just as Lumity’s visibility into STEM careers is invaluable to the students they work with.

My first meeting with Kara led to many more discussions and a summer internship partnership. Our work with Lumity helped build a mobile application that collects student feedback on the Lumity programs and events they attend. Lumity is now leveraging this app to improve their work to best meet the needs of their students. Of course, I’m biased, but this app is a powerful tool. It’s also a powerful testimony to Lumity’s commitment to improving their own work. It’s allowed me to see firsthand the incredible impact Lumity is having on students and young adults. I’m proud to be helping them in their efforts.   

Learn more about being a Lumity volunteer and #StepUpForSTEM.