This week, we’re introducing you to the three teams of STEM Saturdays in preparation for the final competition on Saturday, June 20th.
Gabriela, Jennifer, Toby, and Carlos are working with Accenture volunteers to help Allies for Caribbean Excellence, a nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting individuals of Caribbean descent and enhancing the organization’s web presence and reach in the Chicagoland area. This small nonprofit had a minimal web presence and a community of individuals who needed assistance with various issues and help navigating educational and employment processes.
to assist individuals of Caribbean descent
Under the expert guidance of their coaches from Accenture, they have learned how to establish and maintain a customer relationship, determine customer needs, and propose and implement ideas. These four high school students had never worked together before and had never worked in a professional environment. It opened their eyes to the possibilities of a STEM career and gave them resume-worthy experience and service learning hours.
In addition, the students have the chance to win a $1,000 scholarship for each of them. Come to the judging event on Saturday, June 20th, to see if the All Stars will win the competition. Click here for more information.